Because of the dual narrative, it is more accurate to say that God's perspective is an expansion and enhancement of the human perspective. From the human point of aview, we discover new species (plastic embryo) and a group of scientists struggle to understand where they came from, their physical structure, their careful classification and even their commercial value. In the end, the simple conclusion is that environmental problems may have influenced the creation of the new species. But little did they know that, from God's point of view, this was just a part of the "ruins" or "history". The angels of history want to save things and lives that have passed away. It is like a block in a city that has changed and developed over the centuries, wher
buildings have collapsed and come up again, and where countless lives and things have been born and perished. The angel wants to achieve the return of all that, so he keeps ripping the rubble from his body and trying to restore it. But, as the film says, a strong wind blows it away and brings a big wave into the future, and the name of this wind is progress. To me development and progress is not just a positive word, it is a vectoring, uncontrolled high-speed train to infinity, and no one knows what will happen on this road trip. But for the present, since the discovery of the sea, the problems of race, class, religion and so on have always plagued us, and yet the environmental problems seem to be only a small part of the picture, and yet we are still not satisfied and even want to live on Mars...

So it is not mankind that creates progress, but we need it, just like the smokers. We can't stand to stop moving forward. Just like the previous metaphor, the only thing we can do is to control the accelerator and slow down the speed of the train as much as possible. The passengers inside tidy up the messy environment and strengthen the train to make it look stronger. 
So it is not mankind that creates progress, but we need it, just like the smokers. We can't stand to stop moving forward. Just like the previous metaphor, the only thing we can do is to control the accelerator and slow down the speed of the train as much as possible. The passengers inside tidy up the messy environment and strengthen the train to make it look stronger.word, it is a vectoring, uncontrolled high-speed train to in

finity, and no one knows what will happen on this road trip. So it is not mankind that creates progress, but we need it, just like the smokers. We can't stand to stop moving forw

ard. Just like the previous metaphor, the only thing we can do is to control the accelerator and slow down the speed of the train as much as possible. The passengers inside tidy up the messy environment and strengthen the train to make it look stronger.