The story revolves around six conference participants, each with diverse backgrounds and conflicting values, who have to decide whether to adhere to the village tradition of hanging a young man who is suspected of attempted theft but is left critically injured. Guilty? Innocent? Or should they break the rules? The narrative delves into the notions of opinion leaders and "review the review" as well.

The game props are complete, and it is dedicated to leading everyone into the era and story background full of wild, disorderly, bloody and funny. And the props not only have elements that can make the player dress up, but also equip weapons such as daggers and pistols... wait a minute! Why a debate comes up with weapons! ?

Depending on the background of the game, a meeting will be formed by 6 players, and the game will usually last from 40 minutes to an hour. It includes three discussion sessions and three vr detection sessions. Every time a player is selected to go to a designated location and use a VR device for on-site detection, the default opinion leader of the field will start to transfer

There are six characters for players to choose from, among which judges, sheriffs, and businessmen are the initial opinion leaders who support guilt and innocence respectively. Other characters are also very personal and detailed, which has been fully hinted on the character card, and more plots need to be improvised by players to interpret the whole story. And after the player interacts with certain clue items through the VR device, there will be corresponding clue cards for the player to read and collect. The text description in it will slightly elicit key details.

Yikai Bai
Shiwei Guo
Zheming Zhang
Chenxuan Zhou